Sunday 28 September 2014

Research into Mise on scene ( Mrs Georgiou )

Mise En Scene - the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play.

-Settings and iconography
-costume, hair and make up
-facial expression

This is a certain scene from the film 'deliver us from evil' it shows various thriller conventions in this sequence.

Settings and iconography 

The setting in this scene is a dark enclosed prison cell, this creates a sense of suspense as the audience does not know exactly what is wrong with the possessed creature like character inside the cell. Also the bars surrounded the women shows she is dangerous and creates fear for the viewers.

Costume, hair and make up 

There is a large amount of work put into the presentation of the creature like women, this included costume hair and make up.  She is dressed in a hospital like gown, this could show us that she is ill and that something is wrong with her. It emphases the fact that she is dangerous and further more creates fear for the audience. The make up used on her made her seem ill and mentally twisted. Her face was made up to look battered, swollen, cut and bloody. the blood and cuts emphasise that she is dangerous and increase the fear put upon the audience. Her face is also made to look pale and white making her seem very ill and shows that something is horribly wrong with her. This is all done to create a sense of fear.

Facial expression 

The women in the jail was showing various deranged facial expressions putting a big impression onto the audience . She had wide eyes and an open mouth looking up at the man questing her. This made her look crazy, wild and creature-like. The expression shows us that the women is not mentally sane and makes her seem ill or possessed. This creates fear for the reader as she seems unstable, it puts the audience on edge. Although the main interrogator remains calm with a straight face throughout the clip his partner creates a different effect on the audience. He has a scared, worried expression, he looks vary of the deranged women inside the jail. These two characters are made to be the ones who the audience can trust and rely on. The fact he looks frightened by the women emphasises the viewers fear and anxiety. This fear builds a sense of suspense for the viewers as they are not sure what the women might do.


In this clip low key lighting is used to create suspense and mystery over the creature-like women inside the jail. The lighting is coming from outside the jail, this creates a shadow over the women hiding many of her facial features and keeping many of the jail in the dark. The dark setting creates a sense of mystery about the character and builds upon the fear applied to the audience. As we cannot see the scene clearly the audience become more engaged as they want to see what will happen with the deranged women.


By researching into Mise on scene I have realised how setting up and preparation of a scene is extremely vital into determining how the scene pans out. The lighting, presentation of characters and the setting itself can have a big effect on the audience, creating various emotions for the viewer. This is very important for creating the sense of suspense, shock and surprise which are crucial for a thriller. This research into Mise on scene has helped greatly with the preparation for my thriller as I now know various ways of preparing a scene to create fear, mystery and suspense which will added to my sequence. Examples of this include: the low key lighting, the deranged or frightened facial expressions and the enclosed setting emphasising the fear of the character inside.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of how mise-en-scene is used within your chosen film sequence. You have made a start in analysing the elements well, by focusing on the implied meanings of the sequence and the emotions that are evident in the scene.

    Aim to explore the role of the conventions of a thriller in more detail, which will enable you to demonstrate further understanding of your sequence. Also aim to consider the positioning of the character.
