Wednesday 1 October 2014

Research into editing styles ( Mrs Georgou )

Intro - Editing is essential for a thriller film as it means that they can cut out certain bits and pieces to build suspense, surprise and jump moments which are key for a thriller. The clip I have chosen is from the clip ' Human Centipede '. It shows a girl escaping the villain and gives a great example of the effect from timing in shots.

Shot reverse shot - This is shown as the camera switches quickly from one of the victims face to the other. It is used to highlight the facial expressions of the two characters and to compare the emotions they show. The two girls look scared and frightened by the doctor; by switching quickly from one expression to the other it emphasises the fear they show. Also the quick change of shots exaggerates the panic shown from the two girls and further more inflicts fear and tension upon the audience. The juxtaposition of the two girls creates a connection between them, showing they are both friends and are both petrified of the inevitable situation. This connection made between the girls elaborates the sympathy shown by the audience as people fear to see the two friends die.

Reaction shot - This is shown as the camera highlights the reaction the girl has to the operation taking place. The reason this form of editing is used is so that the characters facial expressions are exaggerated. The women is screaming, looking up and drastically wincing in pain, she is showing extreme pain. The effect this has on the audience is that we feel sympathy towards her, this emphasises the effect of what happens later in the film. The shot also conveys a sense of shock as we are shocked over the amount of torture the young girl was going through.

Timing of shots - As the action in the clip begins the timing of the shots speeds up. This exaggerates the intensity of the situation as the girl tries to escape. The fast movement between shots create a sense of panic, this engages the audience as we are desperate to see the outcome of the situation. The fast movements almost shows the adrenalin of the young girl; the conveys excitement for the audience as they are given hop that maybe she may escape the torturous situation, therefore furthermore engaging the viewers. In addition to this the shots become slower when she was about to be caught by the antagonist. This prolongs the section of the clip and builds up suspense over what could happen.

Jump Cuts - As the girl is trapped inside a room trying to escape the doctor the camera switches quickly from inside the room to outsdide. These jump shots can show both the docter and the girl in quick successions. By doing this it increases the speed of this section of the scene, creating as sense of panic and tension. It also contrasts the two characters by showing one as a crazy, deluded 'sick man and the other as an innocent, frightenined young girl. By doing this it elaborates the innocense of the young girl so that we feel sympathy for her. Thisn increaes the suspense as we want her to get away.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of how editing styles are used. You have analysed your chosen sequence well and have considered the examples in some detail. You have also focused on the role of the audience and the effect that is created throughout the sequence.

    However, you need to consider the codes and conventions of a thriller in more detail and how these editing styles are conventional, which will enable your analysis to be more detailed.

    You also need to include a summary to explain how your analysis will assist you with planning and creating your own production.
