The BBFC is a regulator of the moving image, its purposes are as follows:
- To protect the public from content which might raise potential risks
- To provide the public with a way of making informed viewing choices
- To recognise and reflect adult freedom of choice
- To provide a cost effective, efficient classification service within our statutory responsibility
U stands for universal. A U film should be suitable for all audiences. Only a minimum amount of swearing should be allowed in this category. Sex references are forbidden and films must not include any sexual behaviour or nudity of any kind. The violence in these films must be very mild and will mostly depend on the context of the scene; however the outcome of violence will always end well and comfort the audience. Dangerous behaviour and use of drugs in a U film will generally be clearly disapproved of or punished in the film and should contain a educational message to children. Finally, U rated films are usually light hearted and easy to follow, they always end well with a positive conclusion. Some of these films may include Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, or Toy story.
PG - PG stands for Parental Guidance. This means it is unsuitable for younger children unless accompanied by an adult. The language in PG films may comprise of mild swear words. However, the context in which it is used it very important. For example, if the swear words are used in a threatening way, the film may have to be re-categorised to reflect this. There should not be a great amount of violence in a PG rated film, so while they may be some blood shown we should not see how the injury was inflicted in great detail. Furthermore, context of violence is also important; violence depicted in a more friendly context would be more acceptable. Any dangerous or antisocial behaviour which children could copy such as smoking, drinking, playing with electricity or bullying will go unchallenged or unpunished. There may also be mild or undetailed references to sex and sexual behaviour in a PG film. In addition to this, there may be small references to drugs. However, if drugs are referred to, there should be a clear anti-drugs message.
15 means that nobody under the age of 15 should be able to see this film, especially in the cinema. Strong language in a 15 rated film is not usually restricted, only if used continuously throughout a film may it be thought upon. A film of this classification shall also not endorse and discriminatory language, this must not be promoted. Sex and sex references are generally accepted at this category. The only restrictions ,may be that it must not be shown in detail and must be backed by the context. Strong violence is shown at this rating, however the film must not show the injury in detail and will not include any gory scenes. Verbal incidence of sexual violence is usually accepted, however physical sexual violence is generally frowned upon and not accepted. The use of drugs may be used in a 15 rated piece, this must not be focused on and should not be promoted or endorsed. The behaviour shown these films could be dangerous or unacceptable, but like other restricted features it should not be shown in a positive manner. Overall a 15 film should be an exciting and should keep the audience on edge. It may also have to keep the audience entertained through comedy or romance, with the older aged audience that may include using censored, restricted material to keep the viewers engaged.
An 18 piece is generally made for adults; restricted to anyone under the age of 18. In this classification there are hardly any limits on the restriction guidelines. The use of strong language is permitted and may be used frequently and aggressively, influenced by violence. There may be racist comments and discriminatory terms in an 18 film. However, the film as a whole must not break the law and breach any legislation regarding racism. Full nudity can be featured even when not in an educational capacity and 18 films can show a real sexual act. As long as it is not in a strong pornographic context. During an 18 film violence can be aggressive and be conveyed in strong detail. Pain or injury can even be focused on. The most graphic, gory images are allowed within this category . Drug use and reference are permitted to be shown during an 18 rated film but like other classifications drug must not be promoted or encouraged. Though these films and videos may cover contentious and dangerous subjects and themes, public safety is still a consideration. Very dangerous or criminal behaviour which could encourage copy-cat crime and therefore pose a risk to people's safety may be cut from the film before release. To summarise films with this classification contain detail that only appeals to adults and would shock and scare younger viewers. 18 films do not always have a good, happy ending. The plot may be twisted or unpredictable and need adult interpretation. Examples of 18 rated films are Wolf of Wall Street, The Halloween series and Good Fellows.
To conclude, although the restriction on content changes throughout the classification, the overall purpose of the controls remain the same. No dangerous behaviour that could be copied by a vulnerable audience is promoted the categories, such as the use of drugs, dangerous behaviour that could be copied by teenagers or even just images that may influence people into risking their own well being. The tone of film is the element that drastically differs throughout the classifications. A U is light hearted, humorous and will always end well, a 15 however may be darker and contain more censored material but will remain suitable to a teenager and an 18 can be extremely dark and gory or contain highly sensitive material that could have a highly serious element to it. This variation in tone emphasises how strict these guidelines should be and how the films differ throughout the spectrum.
This has simply been copied and pasted from the BBFC website.
ReplyDeleteYou need to:
1) Put these definitions into your OWN WORDS
2) Give examples of each age certificate by stating how the content is applicable (use synopsis but put into own words)
3) Include a conclusion, stating how this research has helped you understand the importance of age certificates, and explain how it has helped you decide what age certificate you will apply to your thriller sequence, and what you will be mindful to include/not include to stay in line with the various regulations