Monday, 16 February 2015

Evaluation - Intro & Question 1


Our task was to produce an opening sequence to a thriller film created by ourselves. It had to demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the conventions seen in the thriller genre and a wide range of micro elements used to a good effect. My group members consisted of Cara Jackson and Emma Allen We each had specific roles within the production of the sequence. Emma was the camera women having control of the camera and the making sure that the mes en scene met our requirements. Cara was the main actor in the sequence, she also contributed to the sound and had a very large influence on the mes en scene alongside Emma.I also had various roles within the sequence. After developing the majority of the ideas for the micro elements used in the sequence, plus the general plot of the sequence I put myself forward as the director. I also had the responsibility of the camera equipment; plus my main role was the editor of the sequence. I felt the biggest learning curve of the task was seen in my editing skills, they got far better as the task went on and I became a lot more experienced with the types of effects and transitions that could be used to effect within the sequence. The group worked well in the specific individual roles we had, however communication was a struggle and we took longer than expected to complete the filming.I felt that overall the sequence was a success as we used the various micro elements to meet the typical conventions seen in the thriller genre. The focal point of the sequence was focused upon the theme of death, this is highly conventional to the genre as it portrays a sense of shock key to the entertainment of the sequence. We also see the use of hidden identity on the antagonist within the clip, this adds an enigma to the sequence building up suspense and tension over who the killer is and his reasons behind the stalking of Brittany; an enigma is generally seen in most successful thriller films. In addition to this, another example of a thriller convention seen in my sequence is the relationship between the dominating male antagonist and the innocent female victim; this is very typical to the genre as it helps build a relationship between the characters and the audience, therefore engaging the viewers and adding to the entertainment of the sequence.

Q1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

There are various conventions that make up the thriller genre. They are used to have a lasting effect on the audience, creating a more entertaining film for the viewer. The three main conventions adding to the thrilling side of the thriller genre are suspense, shock and surprise.
Suspense is generally built by prolonging a big event or engaging the viewers through building an enigma. This can be done though various micro elements. Typical methods of creating suspense within a thriller film could consist of slow editing, hidden identity or dark and complex plots building up to key events within the film. One film that I analysed which clearly develops the convention of suspense was 'human centipede' in the scene where she attempts to escape from the doctor. Ways in which this clip builds suspense is though the timing and tempo of the shots; it varies from a fast tempo to a slow tempo, prolonging the clip and adding to the tension as we see if the girl escapes or not.
The sense of surprise is conveyed within the thriller genre to furthermore engage the audience so that they are unaware of the outcome of a plot and will generate fear over what may happen. This is usually applied through creating a plot twist. The typical ways in which these plot twists are developed might consist of editing such as jump cuts and shot reverse shot, added sound effects, plus a change in the plot that engages the audience. A clip that clearly shows a plot twist is the opening sequence to the film ' Halloween '. This is shown as the presumed killer is found out to be a child that would be seen as incapable of the murder seen in the clip. This is a prime example of a plot twist that would build upon the sense of surprise and engage the audience, proving to be very conventional to the thriller genre.
The final convention seen in the thriller genre is a shocking sense inflicted upon the audience. This is generally seen through a death or violence. Therefore mes en scene, particularly iconography such as knives or blood, has a large influence into its effect. This is seen in almost every thriller film and is generally seen in the focal point or large event within a piece. In addition to this other typical conventions may include; isolated setting, dark themes, a male antagonist and female victim, plus the frequent use of dark, gloomy sounds.

There were various ways in which my sequence conveyed these conventions. Firstly there was the use of a hidden identity on the antagonist. This was done by using a hooded jumper or coat to constantly hide the facial features of the antagonist, especially seen after the death of Carol, the protagonist. It adds to the suspense as we think about who he is and why he is pursuing the young girl. It also creates an enigma, keeping the audience engaged and adding to the mystery of the clip; mystery being a key convention to the thriller genre.


The sequence also focuses upon the theme of death as the unidentified antagonist kills the innocent protagonist, a friend of the victim. This is emphasised through various forms of cinematography as the death is revealed. An example of this cinematography includes a high angle on the victim, this shows her to be innocent. It emphasises the fact that she did not deserve to die and builds fear over the dangerous antagonist, we become furthermore fearful for Brittany, the victim who is stalked by the antagonist. The focus on the dark theme of death adds to the sense of shock inflicted upon the audience which is highly orthodox to the genre.


The death itself shows a plot twist within the sequence. As we see the victim and her friend together and happy we do not expect the friend to die. This plot twist is seen at the end of the sequence and sets up and enigma for the rest of the film. It mainly conveys the convention of surprise as the audience see a likable, innocent character die. It adds to the enigmatic theme of the film building up the sense of suspense and tension, forcing the viewers to want to watch on. This plot twist is extremely conventional to an opening sequence and, more importantly, conventional to the thriller genre.


One other part of the plot seen to be conventional is the male and female antagonist and victim relationship. This is typically seen in many thriller films; the victim is made out to be an innocent girl shown to be vulnerable and the antagonist is shown to be a dominating male to add to the fear aspect of the film. Various micro elements have been used in order to develop these different character representations. For example a high angle is often used on the victim throughout the sequence to emphasise her innocence and vulnerability, opposed to a low angle used on the antagonist to portray the opposite. Also costume is used to show the teenage victim as being young and innocent, for example the light colours or the pyjamas seen in the first flashback scene. This is opposed to a darker hooded clothing worn by the antagonist showing his dark, sinister behaviour. This contrast in character representation is very conventional to the thriller genre as it helps build a relationship between the characters and the audience. They become fearful of the male antagonist and sympathise towards the female victim. This builds upon the conventions of shock, surprise and suspense as the antagonist pursues his victim.


In addition to this, another scene that is highly conventional is the second scene. This consists of the antagonist obsessing over the female victims. This consists of various shots showing the antagonists lack of mental stability. For example he is seen smelling a scarf of the young female victim, plus he is seen aggressively highlighting and crossing out photos of his victims. The iconography of the scarf and the photos are all used to show his unstable mentality. Through doing this we inflict a sense of fear upon the audience as they fear for the young female victims. This builds upon the convention of suspense as the audience can sense something bad about to happen.


Finally, another conventional scene is seen midway through the sequence. We included a shot showing the antagonist staring at a picture of one of the victims. This included an over the shoulder shot, zooming in on the victim. It furthermore shows the insanity of the antagonist, plus foreshadows the danger that the victim is in. It again portrays a sense of suspense and fear as the audience sympathise with the young female victim and sense the danger that she is in. It adds to the conventions within the sequence as this sense of fear and suspend is typically seen within the thriller genre.


A successful thriller film of which my opening sequence could be compared to is the film 'Halloween'. By comparing the two opening sequence we can see various similarities between the plots and the micro elements used. They are both highly conventional to the thriller genre. One similarity between the two is the use of a hidden identity on the antagonist. This is done through a POV camera angles opposed to our use of costume however has the same effect. It adds to the enigma which is very conventional to the genre. There is also the use of a plot twist in both films; with the child being revealed as the antagonist in Halloween and the death of the protagonist in my opening sequence. This plot twist is typically in thriller films as it creates the essential conventions vital to the thriller genre. Through comparing my sequence to that of the successful and conventional 'Halloween' thriller film, I feel that I have been successful in demonstrating the conventions within the thriller genre in my opening sequence.


  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your opening sequence, giving some examples of the micro-elements used, as well as some conventions identified in research and used within your sequence, explaining why they were used. You need to think carefully about how your thriller follows conventions and other thrillers, elaborate on other micro-elements and inspirations used, and elaborate on points made.

    You need to:
    1) Include images to support points made
    2) Elaborate on what other micro-elements and inspirations you used and why
    3) Elaborate on why your sequence follows conventions of the thriller genre and how it defines the genre

  2. You have provided a proficient analysis of the micro-elements used, as well as the conventions identified in research and used within your sequence, explaining why they were used and what the create, thinking carefully about how your thriller follows conventions and other thrillers.

    You need to:
    1) Include images to support points made
    2) Elaborate on why these conventions create certain reactions from the audience
